Sponsored Deep-Dives

Sponsored Deep-Dives

This brief is for founders looking to work with the newsletter for a sponsored long-form collaboration.

We are not KOLs. Please do not contact us to endorse your tokens. We do not charge for tweets.

The Blog In Numbers

  • 22.7k subscribers, growing ~25%/month
  • 35% open rates and 8% click-through rate
  • Decentralised.co is read across 49 US states and 157 countries.
  • Our Telegram community has ~6200 members. We use it for product feedback & enabling collaboration between community members.
  • Routinely read by CXOs at over 200 enterprises.

About Us

Decentralised.co - is our interface to share timely research that helps senior management at some of the largest organizations in the industry position themselves for change.

Our content is made to drive decisions & action. We trade virality for depth. This is by design, as the end goal is not to drive clicks but to communicate with and invest in early-stage technology firms with the potential for growth in emergent themes. We are not capital allocators with third-party money. The blog is owned privately and plans to stay bootstrapped. We design communities & drive research to enable venture builders. We do not dumb down our content beyond what is needed. We write for founders, the VCs that can back them, and the mix of start-ups they hope to compete with.

Sponsored Deep dives

Sponsored deep dives educate our community of founders , analysts and VCs about an emergent opportunity. These include thematic coverages on a sector or a late-stage organisation. Writing a deep dive on a firm requires access to their CXOs for us to do our due diligence. A sponsored deep dive on the blog would involve the following.

  • An in-depth article of around 7000 words in length.
  • A mention of the firm if it is a sectorial coverage. We do not commit to not mentioning competitors, critiquing your model, or stating its flaws. We do not write fluff pieces for money.
  • If it is a growth-stage firm, we could cover its growth arc over the years and mention comparable ventures where relevant.
  • We explicitly highlight to our readers whether a post is sponsored or not.

Please note the following pointers before you contact us for a deep dive:

  1. Decentralised.co retains editorial rights over the article sent to the audience. We cannot depict your competition negatively or offer undue praise for ventures working with us. The deep dives are a mechanism for an independent third party to assess a business and offer feedback and critique to the business.
  2. We do not take payments for critiquing other businesses. Ventures are inherently hard to create and scale. Where critique is due, we communicate directly with the teams. Our focus is on growth & scale. Taking payments from one party to belittle another does not serve that purpose.
  3. We do share drafts with sponsors for deep dives. These are primarily for verifying factual accuracy and understanding the mental models of the founders themselves. We see founders as core contributors to the pieces we write. If a firm cannot offer time with the founders we are writing about, it is a pass for us to be doing deep dives on them.
  4. We take 150+ hours on each deep dive between research, writing, and the editorial process. Sponsored deep dives take anywhere between 4 to 5 weeks to complete.

The form here can be used to send an inquiry if you’d like to learn more about working with Decentralised.co on a sponsored story.